Last time I wrote it was coming to the end of 2012 and my video on YouTube had just over 8,000 views. In just over three months it has almost doubled in views (18,746 views) and I have received many words of encouragement and praise from around the world. This makes me feel amazing and if you are reading this blog and have Klinefelter’s Syndrome I urge you to get off your backside and do something similar – it really does make you feel better inside when you read all the positive comments.
It might seem like a long time ago since I last wrote a piece here and I think a few people may have thought I have given up. This is not the case! If you have been reading from the start of the blog you will know that I was determined to make a difference and overcome whatever life threw at me. Well life threw a few things my way including some unexpected (slightly expected) challenges to do with work. I decided that I had to prove to myself and to my colleagues that I can do the job and by doing so I put everything I had into achieving my goal.
Towards the end of last year I met Monika – and I got an instant happiness boost! I went through a few months of thinking that no-one would possibly want to be with me as I am genetically flawed. Then I thought to myself just because I am different does not mean that I cannot find happiness or love. Only you can make the changes in your life and go and get it. It’s certainly difficult and it won’t come straight away but when it does – let me tell you this: it’s an amazing feeling!
I’ve been on the testosterone treatment for just over a year. I got excited when there was enough facial hair for me to go out and buy an electric shaver. I now let it grow for about 5 days and then shave it off. Yes it looks ridiculous having a small clump of hairs on the end of your chin. When most of my friends were growing up I suspect many of them started this way and in time they formed into something that resembled a beard or a moustache.
I mentioned the changes I noticed in my last blog one change that comes to mind more recently is strength. As I start to feel physically stronger, I feel that my confidence is growing more and more each day. I used to hate confrontational situations and I would instantly back down if faced with them. Now I’m standing up for myself although sometimes it does get too much and I have to remove myself from the situation as I feel the hulk coming out. I’ve been in a situation like this twice in the past three months. Once at work when I disagreed with a colleague and once in the pub when a friend just would not drop a certain conversation, even though I had politely asked them to change the subject. When I spoke to Monika about this, she managed to instantly calm me down and I returned back to normal – although I was still wearing those ever so fashionable purple shorts.
Purple is my favourite colour so there is probably a reason I was wearing them at the time!
I’m almost 34 years old and recently the boost in confidence has made me realise where I have come from and where I want to go in life. I woke up one morning in early January and thought to myself it’s time to make a few other changes to my life. Monika and I had planned to go away with her family and friends to the far east and I was planning to ask her the ‘special‘ question on a romantic beach somewhere in the Philippines. Due to work commitments I was unable to join her for the trip and thus my plans were tipped upside down! I was not going to let this minor set-back get in the way of being the happiest man in the world so I came up with a plan B!
There comes a point in your life when you realise you have to Man UP! & so on February 10th 2013 that time had come:
I’m still smiling from that date and we are now planning for the wedding, that is likely taking place in the summer of 2014. If you are like me and have Klinefelter’s Syndrome do not give up! Harness the power of perseverance. For it is holding your chin high, remaining steadfast and continually advancing toward whatever your individual desires might be!
I’m determined to raise awareness about this condition and help others along the way. Last year I wrote to the Klinefelters Syndrome Association to see if rather than setting up my own charity, we could join forces and use my project to raise awareness and funds for their cause. I was beginning to give up hope as it had been a few months since I had emailed them. Then sometime last week I received an email from them apologising for taking ages to get in touch with me.
The power of patience prevails! We have exchanged a few emails and they were not aware of my video but they did praise me for the work that I was already doing. I’m hoping to meet with them soon to discuss fundraising and also raising awareness! It would be awesome to be involved with them in an official capacity. You might remember that I was trying to organise a sponsored cycle from London > Paris. The number of people that signed up did not make it to double digits and I really needed about 15 people to sign-up to make it worthwhile. So for now I have shelved that idea. However I’m not giving up and if the KSA agrees I’m probably going to host a sponsored gaming marathon – as the thinking is if you can sit on your arse and play video games more people will likely want to take part. If you are interested giving up a few hours to help me in this cause then please enter your details below:
I’ve received many positive emails, comments and messages about the video I put up onto YouTube last year. Recently I have been contacted by several educational institutions asking me to answer questions for students. I’m not an expert in this field but I am happy to give my opinion on how this condition effects me and my daily routine. Recently a couple from Brazil got in touch with me and told me that their unborn child has the extra chromosome and they were asking me how this will effect their child in later life. I told them to be supportive as growing up will be difficult and there will be many challenges to overcome throughout life. They told me that I was a warrior and that I should be very proud of what I have done. I am – and I am very happy that I can help others!
Before you set out to do anything that you want to change in your life just watch this video;
Harness that power of perseverance!